We recently corresponded with Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D., a consulting economist that works with injury attorneys to assess and quantify economic damages sustained by their injured clients. Dr. Mantell’s expertise in this area spans the business and academic worlds. A noted thought leader and trial witness, his insight is a must-read for Connecticut injured people and their attorneys.
Continue Reading Proving Economic Damages in an Injury Case with Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D

We recently corresponded with Edmond Provder, CEO and Founder of Occupational Assessment Services (OAS). Edmond is a certified rehabilitation counselor, Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts, Commissioner of LCP, and certified life care planner. Throughout his extensive career, Mr. Provder has provided rehabilitation services to and evaluated the vocational and employability potential of over six thousand individuals. He helps people with an injury and their attorneys assess the economic amount and impact of the injured person’s damages.
Continue Reading Personal Injury Damages Advice – Edmond Provder CEO of Occupational Assessment Services

We recently corresponded with Paul Cicarella, LPI to discuss his work as a Connecticut personal injury investigator. Paul is the President and founder of Advanced Investigations LLC.  Paul is also the President of the CT Private Investigators Association, and Vice President of the National Council of Investigation and Security Services.
Continue Reading Personal Injury Investigation Advice with Paul Cicarella, LPI


Our firm recently had several clients who have been involved in serious motor vehicle accidents and have had major bone breaks that required open reduction internal fixation surgery (ORIF). This type of surgery is only performed on serious fractures that cannot be treated by being put in a cast or placed in a splint.
Continue Reading What is Open Reduction Internal Fixation Surgery or ORIF?

Whiplash injuries result from sudden impacts

Many people who are involved in a motor vehicle accident are oftentimes told that they have suffered a whiplash injury. A whiplash injury generally results from a sudden impact that causes a person’s body to move either front and back or side to side that many times involves their head. This sudden jarring motion to the body can cause a number of different problems.
Continue Reading I Was Told I Have a Whiplash Injury Because of My Car Accident, What Does That Mean?

“he who represents himself has a fool for a client” – A. Lincoln

You have been injured in an accident in Connecticut which has been caused by the fault of another. You are a sophisticated businessperson and you are comfortable with your ability to negotiate with others. You feel confident that you will be able to represent yourself in dealing with the insurance company of the person that caused your accident and get a fair settlement for your injury claim.
Continue Reading What You Can Expect if You Represent Yourself in Your Connecticut Accident Case

CT Protects Pedestrians, Bicycle Riders, Skateboarders, People in Wheelchairs and Other Specific “Vulnerable” Individuals

Connecticut has a specific law that is meant to protect vulnerable users of Connecticut roadways including people riding bicycles. This law is to protect a classification of individuals who are deemed to be vulnerable in accidents that cause serious physical injury or death.
Continue Reading Connecticut’s Law Protecting Vulnerable Users Injured While on CT Roadways

Our office is frequently contacted by people who have been hit by a car while walking as a pedestrian. These accidents involve many different types of fact patterns such as people hit in a crosswalk, people crossing the street without a crosswalk, people getting hit in a parking lot, having an elderly driver back into them, getting hit on a sidewalk while crossing a driveway, and getting struck by a vehicle while on private property.
Continue Reading Connecticut Pedestrian Accidents and Injuries